Monday, November 3, 2014

Fruits of our labors

Hello from Wenatchee!
   Fruits of our labors are finally showing through! Last week, we knocked doors at least 5 hours a day. We were not teaching anyone and were only getting bashed with no new investigators. This week, we got 2 super cool and solid investigators! Last Sunday after church, we got a text from a man named Shawn. We had not met him before but some previous Sisters helped him move a couple months ago. He kept the phone number and asked us to come over to teach him! So on Wednesday, we went over there and had the bishop's wife with us. He is super cool! He is an honest seeker of truth and wants to raise his 5 year old son Levi in a Christ-centered household. He is very receptive and understanding. We asked him if he comes to know if these things are true, if he will be baptized... and he said YES!!! So he is super cool. We were suppose to have another lesson with him on Saturday but he had to leave for Cashmere last minute and felt bad he didn't finish reading 3 Nephi 11 so he asked to reschedule. Just the fact that he dug out our number to ask us for a lesson is huge! 999 out of 1000 times, we have to keep bugging them to let us in so the fact that he invited us is EXTREMELY rare!
   On Monday we met our other super cool new investigator. We were knocking (as usual) down King street and met a lady named Adriane. She is about 30 and has 3 sons. Her oldest is 18 and 2 of his friends were kicked out of their houses so she just told them to live with her! She has a giant heart but here is the coolest thing: she understands just about everything... without us teaching them to her! She was talking about how important it would be if we had a living prophet before we told her we do. We had a lesson with her on Tuesday and she completely understands the priesthood and Joseph Smith and she gave a super profound definition of the Book of Mormon and she is just so cool! We gave her a Restoration pamphlet and asked her to read it. Not only did she read it, she did the extra questions in the back! No one EVER does them! We came over again on Saturday and she read way more of the BoM than we assigned and absolutely believes that it is true. All of her kids are teenagers so they are gone all the time and she's like "I just want one day a week where it is just us as a family!" Umm... there is this thing called "Family Home Evening". She wants Christ to be more in their lives as a family. She understands she needs to and wants to be baptized... but she is not a "church go-er" and she is "more spiritual than religious"... there always has to be a "but" doesn't there? Well we will fix that!

      So sometimes new missionaries get sick around week 9... and I was in week 10. On Monday, the headaches started and starting on Tuesday, I kept feeling like I was going to hurl; especially after eating. I didn't talk much during the lesson with Shawn because I thought I was going to hurl. So that has been what's happening with me this week. At least I'm not alone. There are a lot of new missionaries get sick. It's because our bodies are not use to working this much. So I was working so hard these past couple weeks that I got sick. I'm still out tracting 5 hours a day though!

     Sister B is so sweet! She is the missionary I want to become. She is so sweet and always asking for my opinion. She is so patient with me and always wants to help me improve. She loves hard work and the Lord. You wouldn't like her though... she doesn't like chocolate... or peanut butter... or the color purple, or floresent lighting, and she has never had a soda. She is the only person I know who hates chocolate cake! She likes organization, yard work, doing dishes, cleaning, and vacuuming.  Everyone has their quirks I guess but not liking chocolate?! There has got to be something wrong with her. Can't quite wrap my head around that one. Besides that, she is absolutely amazing and I love her so much!

   Hope all is well over there! Love you all!
-Hermana Rebekah Williams
Raking leaves for the first time.  Pictured with Brother L
 Maggie is showing how we all feel after planning for a few hours on Fridays.
This is what a missionary Halloween looks like.  Since Halloween was on a Friday, it was our planning day anyway, and we had to be in by 6:00.  Not a lot of fun!

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