I don´t think I have been in need of a P-day more than today. It´s just been really long. Hma. Bittle is feeling better. She was able to go back to class on Wednesday. My email probably will not have any order to it. Probably just whatever pops in my head so I apologize for the randomness. When I was stuck in the casa. I wrote a lot of letters so you will probably get a random letter from me within a week.
As far as next week goes, I heard I can email the night before and when I land. The other Hmas. all leave a day before I do so I will probably be put in a random trio for a day. The week before people leave, the CCM people take their picture because every Sunday after the movie, they have a slide show of all the districts who are leaving with "Called to Serve" in the background. The weird part is, after the slide show, we always sing "Till we Meet Again" so it always looks like their dying (I´m the only one that thinks that though). They lady (Hma. Jones) wanted emails to send the picture to. I dont know if she already sent it but I gave her yours btw.
My afternoon teacher, Hmo. Tapía, started school this week in the afternoons so we got a new teacher :( Hma. Sierra... She´s.... interesting... but more like a drill sargent. If you speak any English or if as a class, you collectively get 5 questions wrong, you have to do burpees or push-ups or the football run thing into a push-up. She will say to do 3 but this is her 3: "uno...uno...uno...uno...uno.. .dos...dos..uno..." and its really hard/awkward/uncomfortable to do in a dress! When we do language, she like gets 3 inches from your face and say a verb conjugated and you have to say which form it is or vice versa... it´s like she´s staring into your soul! She opens her eyes as wide as they can and just stares. And she´s prego so one day she´s like that and the next she´s like super nice. Yesterday she was really nice though. Oh! and she also tells you straight up to repent if your planner isn´t all nice as hers or if you have a doodle in it. Never a dull moment with Hma. Sierra!
I love my morning teacher! Hmo. Soto is the best! It´s weird, all the teachers have only been back from their missions for like a year and a half. So he is 22... he could literally be my older brother. He´s the Mexican brother I never had! (sorry Eric and David) He is super funny and sassy it´s hilarious! He´s also the one that told me I had "a la moda" (swag) so he immediately went up on my list. One day during gym, we were playing volleyball with our district. I gave Hma. Moody the best/hardest high-five ever! She said her hand was still stinging after like 20 minutes. The next day, I saw Hmo. Soto and was like "high-five Hmo. Soto!" then gave him the same high-five. It echoed in the hallway... it was pretty sweet. Afterwards, he just stood there, dumbfounded, holding his wrist and was like "...you hurt... my hand..." Now that´s our thing except he always tries to move his hand so I dont hit it. So he really is like an older brother! He always says that for someone so small I´m really strong. So one day I showed him our family picture and pointed at Eric and David... he understands now. He didn´t believe that we were related for a while but then he saw how much I look like Dad.
One day, he brought his cousin, Jonathon, to have us teach. He is a return missionary and is active in the church. But he is getting a devorce because his wife was cheating on him and he has a small baby boy. He asked why his baby son has to grow up without having a mom and dad and it was so sad! I wanted to give him a hug and tell him it is going to be ok! (Im kinda not allowed to though) I almost cried.
I have been having some serious Disney with-drawls this week! One night, I literally could not sleep and had Winnie the Pooh playing in my head! The movie! Just some random scenes of Winnie the Pooh. I had a mini movie night in my head. I usually have a Disney song stuck in my head too. Please put some on my iPod! Dig a Little Deeper, You´ll be in my Heart, On my Way, good stuff like that.
Misc. info paragraph: Good news! I´m getting my watch tan back! Its not as good as the other one though. This is just a band that goes all the way around. But hey! a watch tan is a watch tan. I love getting all the letters and packages!
This week, Hma. Allison had the smart idea to only speak spanish for the next two weeks... ya that lasted a day. Everyone was getting really frustrated because we couldn´t communicate everything we wanted to say and we couldn´t really understand what anyone else was really saying. Friday... ya Friday was not my day. Spanish was not coming to me at all. It was my turn to give a spiritual thought in the morning and Hma. Bittle said it looked like I almost went into a panic again because now we are suppose to be doing them in spanish. Spanish was not there that day. Then I had Hma. Sierra... no bueno. No panic attack but I was getting frusterated. They would be saying the simplest things and I couldn´t make any connections. Oh well. That was Friday. Today is Tuesday. And there was not a panic attack! (ish)
I´m going to start giving you homework. Please read "The Faithful Hertitage of Hope" (or something like that) it´s by Henry B. Eyering. I read it in RS on Sunday and it was the best! Sunday in general was awesome. Everyone had a hard and long week so we all needed a spiritual lift please read it. I encourage everyone to read it. Love and miss you all! ¡Hasta luego!
-Hermana Rebekah Williams
with Hermana Allison
with Hermana Bittle
with Hermana Moody
Other tid-bits (taken from emails to Dad the last 2 weeks):
last week:
Bit of Mexican Culture for ya! You know the knock dun dun dun dun dun *pause* dun dun? Well here, it is like flipping of a Mexican! Just as an FYI! I hope you guys are doing FHE, reading, and praying together. OOHHH!! Tell Mom to look up D&C 18:44. (I forgot to tell her to put in the blog) I came across it this week and loved it. I started reading D&C while being stuck in the casa and I love it so much! I love and miss you all!-Hermana Rebekah Williams
this week:
For next week when I travel, I can email the night before and when I get there I believe. I dont try to be so hard on myself. For once probably in my life. I´m the positive one. Hma. Bittle is the negative one. She also talks a lot. She talks to everyone she comes in contact with and ends up telling her life story. She also announces EVERYTHING (including bodily topics) so sometimes I feel like I´m living with Mom´s sisters. Well Im about out of time so I love you so much and give Fritz a cuddle for me!-Hermana Rebekah Williams